Frequently asked questions



Who is EcoMatcher?

EcoMatcher is a Certified B-Corporation, a social enterprise that serves as a platform that allows companies to improve their businesses while helping to tackle the climate crisis in a clear, transparent, and accountable way.

Through EcoMatcher, companies can plant trees and utilize them innovatively, from gifting trees as part of customer loyalty programs, to providing them as employee perks for engagement or even adding them as a reward for completing surveys. The possibilities are endless.

How do these trees help our planet?

Whether it is the global rise in temperature, the shrinking of ice sheets, or the rise in sea levels around the world, there is plenty of evidence that climate change is well and truly upon us. As the lungs of the planet, the planting of trees can be beneficial to both people and the environment.

Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, making them one of the best ways to slow or even reverse the greenhouse effect. Forests also provide a habitat for biodiversity, serving as a home for birds and other wildlife.

At EcoMatcher, there is also an emphasis on the social and economic impact tree planting can have on societies, partnering with foundations with a focus on long-term and sustainable empowerment and development of local communities. Trees can also provide erosion control, watershed retention, soil fertility, and shade.

Where are these trees planted?

EcoMatcher partners with carefully selected and vetted tree-planting foundations / NGOs from around the world, planting trees in Indonesia, the Philippines, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, UAE, Uganda, Kenya, Madagascar, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Haiti. EcoMatcher’s ambition is to have 20 tree-planting partners by 2024.

The tree planting foundations determine with the local communities what trees are best planted, where, and when.

What is a B Corp?

In business, a B Corporation (also B Corp) is a for-profit corporation certified by B Lab for its social impact. B Corp certification is conferred by B Lab, a global nonprofit organization. To be granted and maintain certification, companies must receive a minimum score of 80 from an assessment of their social and environmental performance, integrate B Corp commitments to stakeholders into company governing documents, and pay an annual fee based on annual sales. Companies must re-certify every three years to retain B Corporation status.

As of August 2023, there are 7,351 certified B Corporations across 161 industries in 92 countries.


How does EcoMatcher work?

EcoMatcher adopts a three-pronged approach to help facilitate a transparent tree planting process – with the TreeCorder, TreeManager, and TreeTracker applications, each assisting different stakeholders, from the farmers of partnering tree planting foundations to the end-user clients and employees receiving the trees.

Firstly, TreeCorder provides foundations and farmers with an easy-to-use mobile application to capture information about each tree they plant, from the precise location of the tree, the date of planting, a photo of the tree, the species, and even the farmer.

Businesses or individuals can purchase these trees through EcoMatcher’s website, adding them to their TreeManager account. Through TreeManager, a suite of digital tools is made available, including an API integration to enhance the digital gifting process.

Finally, tree recipients can utilize TreeTracker, a web application using satellite maps, to monitor their tree, and read up on details about the tree, from information about the species, its growth potential, and who planted it and when it was planted. Tree recipients also can download an iOS/Android app for this purpose, and the EcoMatcher App for Microsoft Teams.

How much do the trees cost?

Tree cost starts at $3.49 USD per tree with a MOQ of 10 trees. The cost includes tree adoption for life and the ability to track the tree on EcoMatcher’s platform (both web and iOS/Android/Teams app). If you want to plant a Forest (MOQ is 1,000 trees) or Global Forest (MOQ is 3,000 trees), please get in touch with us at:

Is there a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for trees?

There is a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 10 trees per purchase. For a Forest in your name, our MOQ is 1,000 trees, and for a Global Forest, that is 3,000 trees.

Who owns the trees?

EcoMatcher works with foundations specialized in tree planting, ensuring trees are planted. Those foundations provide farmers with high-quality seedlings; they plant them on their land. Your donation finances the growth of the seedlings, the transportation of the seedlings to the farmers, and the livelihood and education of the farmers. The farmers who take care of the trees will own the trees, and your funding will also allow them to reap the benefits that the trees may offer to their community.

What tree species are planted?

EcoMatcher’s partner foundations decide what trees are being planted. They know the local situation best, together with the local communities and farmers. The trees planted are a mixture of, e.g., indigenous and fruit trees such as avocado and mango trees. Per foundation, an average of 5-8 species are planted. Through EcoMatcher’s TreeTracker, you will know the type of each tree planted; you even will see how your tree will look in 5-8 years.

What is a tree nursery, and where are those?

A tree nursery is an area/ place where young trees (seedlings) are grown and are given special care. Once the seedlings are ready to be planted, they are transported to the plot of land and planted by the foundations and farmers.

Our partner foundations either have their tree nurseries close to the areas where the seedlings finally are planted, minimizing transportation, or source seedlings from commercial and bespoken tree nurseries.

How does TreeChat work?

TreeChat is a fun way to engage with planted trees through chatbot technology. Our TreeChat chatbot responds using a combination of pre-programmed scripts and machine-learning algorithms. When a question is asked, the chatbot will answer using a knowledge database it has available to it.

To use TreeChat, users simply type in questions in the TreeChat text field to get a reply from the tree. Note, any conversations users have with their tree are strictly between the user and the tree ;-)!

How does ForestSound work?

Within TreeTracker, users have the option of immersing themselves in the local environment of the tree by listening to the sounds of the forest. Forest sounds are dependent on the tree’s weather conditions and time of day. Please note that the current version of ForestSounds makes use of generic forest soundtracks. Simply click the ForestSound button located in TreeTracker.

How does the farmer's message work?

In addition to being able to see where their tree is located using TreeTracker, users can also see who the tree’s planter is and send a thank you message. All messages are sent one way to the farmer only. They are collected and translated by the tree planting organization and delivered to the planters on a regular basis. Whilst you will not get a response, please rest assured all messages are delivered!

To send a message to the farmer, simply click on the Send Message button in TreeTracker on EcoMatcher’s web version and under the information button on EcoMatcher’s TreeApp.


How does EcoMatcher select tree-planting foundations?

EcoMatcher understands that the quality of our tree-planting partners is one of the key pillars of success. We have developed a vetting process to help ensure that the tree-planting organizations we partner with are genuine and sustainable.

The vetting process consist:

  • A questionnaire, see here;
  • On-site visits by the EcoMatcher team;
  • The signing of a contractual agreement.
How do I know if the tree I purchased is real?

EcoMatcher aims to plant a billion trees by 2025. In the age of social media, a lack of credibility would easily expose us long before we achieve that.

Every step in our way of working has been carefully designed – from our 3 step vetting process for partnering foundations to the technology of our platform, e.g. with TreeTracker using satellite maps, you can track your tree. We can assure you that we have done and will continue to be a transparent, accountable, and trustworthy partner.

How do I tell if the tree I received is unique to me?

Details of every tree we plant are captured using a special app we developed called TreeCorder. TreeCorder is used by EcoMatcher’s partner foundations planting trees.

With TreeCorder, each tree is recorded with its unique photo, GPS location, planting date, species, and even the farmer who planted the tree. EcoMatcher seeks to bring complete transparency to the tree-planting process.

Will there be long-term care and growth of the tree I have purchased?

Farmers are carefully selected by the foundations with whom we partner. Like the foundations that sign a contractual agreement with EcoMatcher, the farmers also sign an agreement with the foundations promising they will take good care of the trees. This will also be in their best interest as the trees will help improve the condition of their soil, which can be used to grow other crops they can sell. Also, in some locations, fruit trees are planted that bear fruits already in their 3- year. Foundations will make it a point to check up on the trees regularly and will use EcoMatcher’s digital tree-planting maps.


We are a tree-planting organization and would like to collaborate with EcoMatcher! What do we need to know?

We have defined criteria guidelines for accepting tree-planting organizations to the EcoMatcher platform:

  • Your organization must be active in tree planting.
  • A track record of at least three years is required.
  • You must use EcoMatcher’s TreeCorder App to record tree and farmer details. We can help and advise you on how to do that.
  • How many trees would you be able to offer? We would need this to understand how ‘scalable’ your business is.
  • To fully make use of the platform, we will need some digital media from your organization, such as high-resolution logos, photos, and videos.

If you would like to be listed with your cause, please get in touch with us at:

We are a business and would like to purchase trees for our clients/ employees! What do we need to know?

Get access to our TreeManager and its whole suite of digital gifting tools simply by creating an account and purchasing trees from the EcoMatcher website. Through our platform, you can easily monitor your existing inventory of trees and their carbon sequestration.

Depending on what purpose you might have for the trees, whether it is for customer loyalty programs, employee engagement, or corporate gifting, the possibilities are endless. Find out how you can make your first purchase here!

We are an E-Commerce business and would like to offer trees to our customers. What do we need to know?

A great and easy way is to offer trees to your online customers, who can decide to add trees to their purchases as they check out. It is an opportunity to increase your profit and revenue, and your customers will appreciate the opportunity to contribute to a better world. Once the tree purchase has been made, your customer will receive details about the trees purchased and virtually travel to their trees immediately. EcoMatcher WooCommerce and Shopify plugins make this integration easy and seamless.

I love the cause and would like to partner with EcoMatcher and help market the trees to my clients! What do I need to know?

EcoMatcher’s Ambassador Program enables certified partners to offer trees to their clients and use EcoMatcher’s digital platform to customize the tree offerings for their clients fully.

As a partner, you can make a margin on every tree sold. As EcoMatcher’s products (trees!) and services are all digital, you are not confronted with customization, shipping, and storage costs, all significant and polluting in the case of physical products.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, please get in touch with us at:


How to delete my account on the EcoMatcher App?

To delete your EcoMatcher Account on the EcoMatcher App, please follow the following steps. On the EcoMatcher App > Profile > Delete Account > Fill out the form and submit the request. By submitting the form, you agree that deleting your EcoMatcher account is permanent, and a deleted account cannot be reinstated. Your EcoMatcher account will be permanently deleted in 3 working days.

How to delete my account on the TreeCorder App?

To delete your TreeCorder Account on the TreeCorder App, please follow the following steps. On  the TreeCorder App > Settings > Delete Account > Fill out the form and submit the request. By submitting the form, you agree that deleting your TreeCorder account is permanent, and a deleted account cannot be reinstated. Your TreeCorder account will be permanently deleted in 3 working days.