One Tree at a Time

EcoMatcher is pleased to announce a partnership with Otonomos.

Otonomos builds online control panels for everything you need to setup and govern your companies around the world. EcoMatcher enables companies to make use of sustainability causes to engage with customers and employees. Both EcoMatcher and Otonomos are digital platforms that aim to change the way companies do business in their own unique way.

“We want to give every Otonomos customer a newly planted tree once they sign up—and for a number of other transactions, one tree at a time. By doing so, we give back and build customer loyalty at the same time in a creative way,” says Paul du Jong, Managing Director of Otonomos Hong Kong. “EcoMatcher’s platform combines proven technical advancements with sustainability. They work closely with vetted sustainability causes and make those causes trackable and transparent with their CauseTracker technology.”

Bas Fransen, CEO of EcoMatcher, shares: “Both platforms of Otonomos and EcoMatcher are digitally connected through an Application Protocol Interface (API).  While Otonomos takes care of their core business, we take care of their giving back. Business doing good is good for business!

#EcoMatcher #Sustainability #TreePlanting #SDGs